A course from the Walker Academy

We all need decision makers including politicians, practitioners and others with influence, to make evidence-based choices in the policies that affect our lives. Scientists and researchers throughout their careers are in a position to engage with this process by actively sharing  the vital knowledge and information they generate.

The Walker Academy is running  its ’Engaging with Decision Makers(EwDM) course in 2025  drawing on the Walker Institute’s work in the UK and international policy arena.

EwDM is a  structured programme of facilitated in-person training taking place over six 3-hour sessions. At the end of the programme participants are equipped with practical tools to support their engagement with the policy process, covering: research design;  maximising policy impact; targeted communication across stakeholder groups and other academic disciplines; and media work.

The theme running through the course is : ‘Achieving Policy Impact through your Research’ and involves work on the following topics:

  • Co-production and communication
  • Synthesising evidence for policy impact from across disciplines
  • Stakeholder mapping
  • Power dynamics and policy influence

For each of these headline topics, participants will take away one practical tool and one mini guide, so they complete the course with enhanced understanding of policy processes and relevant entry points.

Participants attending the training


2025 Dates:

  • Session 1: Wed 7 May
    • Locating your research in the decision landscape-principles of engagement
  • Session 2: Wed 28 May
    • Power dynamics and the enabling environment
  • Session 3: Wed 18 June
    • Pathways to impact in practice
  • Session 4: Wed 25 June
    • Your Pathway to Impact
  • Session 5: Wed 16 July
    • Communicating as part of your pathway to Impact
  • Session 6: Wed 23 July
    • Recap on tools and techniques for Engaging with Decision Makers

All sessions are running from 13:00-16:00 pm

federal chancellery

How to enrol?

For more information on enrolment and fees send us an email in academy@walker.reading.ac.uk .

Engaging with Decision makers poster

I very much enjoyed...

“(The most valuable aspects of the training were) …learning new tools outside of lab work. Gaining insight into the other side of research and how you can create impact. Some knowledge on policy, co-production, stakeholder mapping, pathways to impact and the enabling environment. I enjoyed the interview training and personalised feedback.”

Participant Researcher

It all linked...

“It has broadened my mind to areas of science outside my research and future career prospects. It has also made me think more about the impact of my research.”

Participant Researcher

It has broaden my mind...

It has broadened my mind to areas of science outside my research and future career prospects. It has also made me think more about the impact of my research.

Participant Researcher

I learnt about...

“I will definitely integrate a lot of the tips and tricks that I was taught in the lesson – I particularly like the conversation around talking about our project to the general non-expert public, I believe that will be very useful whenever I have to engage with decision makers.”

Participant Researcher

I learnt about...

“Even though I am not a climate researcher all the example and case studies given I could relate to in my research.”

Participant Researcher

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