Find a Course
Use the tool below to search the range of courses that are currently available from the Walker Academy and our partner organisations.
If you can’t find a suitable course for your training needs, please let us know using the contact form at the bottom of this page. We’re always looking to improve the breadth of training that we offer based on the feedback of our learners.

UKCP18: Using Climate Projections
Would you like to find out how you can use the UK Climate Projections? Understand key concepts in climate modelling? Are you planning to use climate data in your application? At the end of the course, you’ll be able to better define your information needs, navigate and select the most appropriate products for your application as well as learn how to use the UKCP User Interface.
BIP-M Alignment: | 3.4.2 Climate variability and climate change |
Learning Aims: | At the end of the course, you’ll be able to:
Target Audience | Intermediary (Informed, non-technical) |
Europe / UK |
6 – 10 hours |
Delivery method
Self-taught |
Format (primary) | Online course (self-led) |
IPR Owner | Met Office |
Course status | Active |
Contact email: | Fai Fung < > |
Tropical Weather Systems
A 10-credit MSc-level module providing an introduction to the weather systems and circulation patterns in the tropical atmosphere.
BIP-M Alignment: | 3.2.1 Atmospheric Dynamics |
Learning Aims: |
Target Audience | Entry-level Scientist (beginner technical) |
Global |
41 – 100 hour |
Delivery method
Blended |
Format (primary) | Lectures |
IPR Owner | University of Reading |
Course status | Active |
Contact email: | Chris Holloway < > |
Statistics for Weather and Climate Science
This module aims to introduce basic statistical concepts and reasoning relevant to environmental science, as well as provide experience in the proper use of statistical methods for the analysis of weather and climate data. Registration with University of Reading (via Department of Meteorology “online courses”). Cost in 2021/2022 ~£300.
BIP-M Alignment: | Mathematics (pre-requisites) |
Learning Aims: | By the end of this module the student should be able to:
Target Audience | Entry-level Scientist (beginner technical) |
Global |
41 – 100 hours |
Delivery method
Blended |
Format (primary) | Lectures, practicals, guided independent study |
IPR Owner | University of Reading |
Course status | Active |
Contact email: | Ted Shepherd < > |
WMO Small Islands Climate Training
Aimed at increasing climate change awareness for small island national Met Services – targeted at the Pacific. WMO module title: “Using climate information in the Pacific”.
BIP-M Alignment: | 3.4.2 Climate variability and climate change |
Learning Aims: | Unknown |
Target Audience | Intermediary (Informed, non-technical) |
Australia / Pacific Islands |
6 – 10 hours |
Delivery method
Online course (self-led) |
Format (primary) | Self-taught |
IPR Owner | WMO / Met Office |
Course status | Active |
Contact email: | Rebecca Osborne, < > Hannah Griffith |
Seasonal Forecast Production for East Africa
WISER SCIPEA supports seasonal forecast training in East Africa. Subjects include: terciles, creating a multi-model ensemble in R, a ROC technical exercise, use of the SCIPEA data portal, and CPT-CCA calibration.
BIP-M Alignment: | Numerical modelling |
Learning Aims: | Unknown |
Target Audience | Entry-level Scientist (beginner technical) |
Africa |
11 – 20 hours |
Delivery method
In-person |
Format (primary) | Lectures |
IPR Owner | Met Office |
Course status | Unknown |
Contact email: | Andrew Coleman < > |
PyPRECIS Notebooks
Interactive notebooks for teaching Programming and Climate Data analysis.
BIP-M Alignment: | 3.4.2 Climate variability and climate change |
Learning Aims: | N/a |
Target Audience | Entry-level Scientist (beginner technical) |
Global |
11 – 20 hours |
Delivery method
Blended |
Format (primary) | Online course (self-led) |
IPR Owner | Met Office |
Course status | Active |
Contact email: | Hamish Steptoe < > |
PRECIS Regional Climate Modelling Workshop
PRECIS training was an introduction to regional climate modelling for international audiences with limited computer power – the PRECIS RCM ran on a laptop, making it more accessible than other models. The training covered concepts such as ‘what is downscaling?’, ‘model evaluation’, and ‘extremes’. Pre-requisites: University of Reading module (Introduction to climate modelling) on
BIP-M Alignment: | Numerical Modelling |
Learning Aims | To set up and run a scientifically rigorous regional climate modelling experiment, then post-process, verify and communicate the model output.
Target Audience | Entry-level Scientist (beginner technical) |
Global |
21 – 40 hours |
Delivery method
In-person |
Format (primary) | Lectures |
IPR Owner | Met Office |
Course status | Dormant |
Contact email: | Rosanna Amato > |
Pacific Climate Change
Short workshops to explore climate change and understand science basis in the Pacific islands.
BIP-M Alignment: | 3.4.2 Climate variability and climate change |
Learning Aims: | Short workshops to explore climate change and understand science basis in the Pacific islands. |
Target Audience | Intermediary (Informed, non-technical) |
Australia / Pacific Islands |
11 – 20 hours |
Delivery method
In-person |
Format (primary) | Lectures |
IPR Owner | Met Office |
Course status | Unknown |
Contact email: | Cathryn Fox < > |

Learning to Co-Produce (L2CP)
Learning to Co-produce (L2CP) is an on-line course designed for post-graduate meteorological students (or those engaged in studies related to meteorology, such as hydro-met and agri-met) to strengthen their engagement with decision-makers and users. This course draws on a wide range of experience of developing weather and climate services for different countries and contexts across West and East Africa.
BIP-M Alignment: | Climate Services |
Learning Aims | To provide learners with:
Target Audience | Intermediary (Informed, non-technical) |
Africa |
11 – 20 hours |
Delivery method
Self-taught |
Format (primary) | Online course (self-led) |
IPR Owner | The Walker Institute |
Course status | Active |
Contact email: | |
KNMI Climate Explorer
Exploring major drivers of seasonal climate variability using the KNMI Climate Explorer tool.
During this exercise, we will be using the KNMI Climate Explorer to visualise the links between global sea-surface temperature (SST) and regional rainfall over Southeast Asia. This online tool allows the user to plot observations and climate model output for a variety of regions, seasons, and variables. No cost. Online tool is open access.
BIP-M Alignment: | 3.4.2 Climate variability and climate change |
Learning Aims | Learn about teleconnections (statistical relationships) between SSTs and regional rainfall, and their use as a predictor for seasonal forecasts.
Target Audience | Entry-level Scientist (beginner technical) |
Global |
3 – 5 hours |
Delivery method
In-person |
Format (primary) | Worksheet |
IPR Owner | Met Office |
Course status | Active |
Contact email: | Stephan Lines / Rosanna Amato < > |