Himalayan University Consortium Steering Committee Meeting & Open Science Sessions



The Steering Committee is the HUC’s highest governing body. The committee’s meetings set the course of action for the Consortium for the calendar year and track the progress of the implementation of the HUC Strategy 2018–2025.

What happened:  

The committee discussed the Evaluation Report of the HUC by an independent reviewing team, commissioned by ICIMOD and the draft of the Position Paper on the HUC Governance prepared by the HUC Task Force on Sustainability and Resource Mobilization. Apart from members’ business agenda items and welcoming a new member representing China, the Committee discussed HUC-specific queries raised by the ICIMOD Programme Advisory Committee at the network-focused session during its meeting in Kathmandu on 19 January 2024.


  • HUC Steering Committee members provided updates on the state of higher education for sustainability and the HUC Country Chapter formation process in their home country.
  • The HUC Secretariat provided updates on the Consortium’s collaborative capacity building, research, publication, as well as budget and staffing of the Secretariat and member-led resource mobilization in 2023.
  • The Steering Committee discussed the independent evaluation report
  • The Steering Committee discussed the draft of the Position Paper on HUC Governance

Our Impact

The Walker institute Director, Prof. Rosalind Cornforth, was one of the panel members on the second day with topic: ‘From policy translation and science-policy dialogue to evidence-informed policy formulation for climate change mitigation and adaptation’. Panel members included:

  • Izabella Koziell, Deputy Director General, ICIMOD;
  • Rosalind Cornforth, the Walker Institute, University of Reading;
  • Christopher A Scott, Pennsylvania State University and ICIMOD Mountain Chair 2020-2022; and
  • Guy Howard, Cabot Institute of Environment, Bristol University.


Himalayan University Consortium Steering Committee Meeting.