WALKER Academy

Online and in-person climate science courses from the Walker Institute


Embedded within the Walker Institute  The Walker Academy is the Institute’s training arm. Our mission is to build skills and capacity in transdisciplinary climate impact research.

The Academy offers immersive and participative courses that explore the underlying science of climate change through to its political, economic and livelihood consequences, using  scenario building, causal networks  and household economy modelling techniques.

Courses are designed for anyone who wants to understand and apply climate information in their field of research, practice, policy making or advocacy. Our students come from academia, government agencies, NGOs and the private sector.

We work with  participants  at all stages of their careers to provide ‘climate to policy and impact literacy’ through a systems-thinking approach. Through our courses, we aim to strengthen understanding and dialogue between disciplines  working across the complex links in the climate-environment-livelihoods nexus.

We identify the specific training interests of potential  students, and can deliver courses through face-to-face, hybrid  and online options.


The COP Climate Action Studio enables doctoral students to remotely participate in the annual UNFCCC (United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change) Conference of the Parties in real time.

Engaging with Decision Makers

This brand new and exciting course is starting in 2024 and will be drawing on the Walker Institute’s work in the UK and international policy arena, focusing on natural hazards and applied ecology.


Assessing Livelihood Vulnerability to Extreme Shocks (AliVE) teaches practitioners how quantitative data on people’s livelihoods can be collected, analysed and integrated in an interdisciplinary framework with information from food and climate science, to support a system-wide analysis of food system resilience.


The overarching outcome of the ASPIRE Adaptive Social Protection (ASP) training services will be to enable Social Protection (SP) stakeholders in the target countries to make better use of climate & livelihoods information to support SP decision making that builds livelihoods resilient to drought, flood and other climate shocks.


The Climate Resilience Evidence Synthesis Training (CREST) provides practical, real-world experience in the synthesis of information from across sectors, to inform policy and business decision-making in the field of climate resilience.

Learning to Co-produce

Enabling post-graduate meteorological students (or those engaged in studies related to meteorology, such as hydro-met and agri-met) to strengthen their engagement with decision-makers and users.

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