by Konstantina Pratta | Jul 3, 2023
Side event: All eyes on ‘My Climate Risk’: Q-storming towards collective pathways to adaptation action, from local to global Session 285 – Governance & Finance, Date: 5 October, Time: 16:00-17.30 (EDT) / 21:00-22:30 (BST), Room: 520D (Hybrid – Zoom...
by Konstantina Pratta | Jun 30, 2023
IMG20230615114610IMG20230615114610cIMG20230615114625IMG20230615153419IMG20230615155540IMG20230615155610IMG20230616094728IMG20230616094728a Food systems are complex. They involve multiple elements, stakeholders and relationships operating across multiple scales. ...
by Konstantina Pratta | Jun 24, 2023
The Walker Institute was present at the Development Studies Association (DSA) annual conference organised and hosted by the University of Reading. The theme for this year was Crisis in the Anthropocene: Rethinking connection and agency for development....
by Konstantina Pratta | Jun 6, 2023
2023-0~12023-0~22023-0~42023-0~3IMG202~1IMG202~2 The Walker Institute facilitated a full-day workshop delivered by Climate Outreach, the leading climate communication specialists, on 1June 2023. Rose Gater, an expert communicator from Climate Outreach,...
by Konstantina Pratta | Jan 29, 2023
Scoping adaptation and policy responses and their consequences Changing weather and climate extremes such as drought, flooding, heatwaves and storm surges will have significant impacts right across UK food systems. This online, interactive and...