Adaptation Futures – October 2 to 6, 2023

Side event: All eyes on ‘My Climate Risk’: Q-storming towards collective pathways to adaptation action, from local to global Session 285 – Governance & Finance, Date: 5 October, Time: 16:00-17.30 (EDT) / 21:00-22:30 (BST),  Room: 520D (Hybrid – Zoom...
FoodBioSystems DTP – Summer School Workshops

FoodBioSystems DTP – Summer School Workshops

IMG20230615114610IMG20230615114610cIMG20230615114625IMG20230615153419IMG20230615155540IMG20230615155610IMG20230616094728IMG20230616094728a Food systems are complex.  They involve multiple elements, stakeholders and relationships operating across multiple scales. ...