My Climate Risk Interdisciplinary Learning Group

9 December 2024; 13:00-14:00 BST (GMT)

Presenter: Dacosta AboaGye Prince


Prince Dacosta Aboagye is a Ph.D. Candidate at Hiroshima University. His Ph.D. research critically analyses urban climate action plans for developing city-specific climate solutions. Prince’s research interests relate to cities and climate change, climate and environmental governance, climate adaptation and mitigation policy and planning, assessment and impact evaluation of adaptation and mitigation plans, Slum upgrading and sustainable informal settlements, and sustainable urban futures. Prince is a Japanese Government MEXT scholar, a Young African Leaders Initiative (YALI) Fellow, and a member of the International Platform on Adaptation Metrics (IPAM).

Dacosta AboaGye Prince

Paper to be presented

Title:      Urban climate adaptation and mitigation action plans: A critical review.

Author: Prince Dacosta Aboagye, Ayyoob Sharif

Link to paper: Urban climate adaptation and mitigation action plans: A critical review 


Session Highlights

To be filled in after each session is completed

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