James Acidri
Global Head of Humanitarian Food Security and Livelihoods in Save the Children International
James Acidri is a leading food security and livelihoods specialist with extensive Household Economy Approach expertise. His career over the last two decades has involved technical support to both governments and humanitarian agencies in the areas of food security, livelihoods and poverty analysis.
James has also held senior food security management roles at national and regional levels. James has produced numerous National Vulnerability Situation reports and, over the last twenty years, James has applied food security, livelihoods and poverty analysis in both humanitarian and development context, especially in rural Africa alongside work in Afghanistan and Iraq. Most recently, he worked with Evidence for Development and was involved with USAID/FEWS-NET food security early warning programmes; UNHCR research in Burkina-Faso and support to Self Help Africa programmes in Uganda and DFID-HyCRISTAL Climate programme for East Africa. He has also worked with UNHCR on targeted humanitarian assistance through the Comprehensive Refugee Response policy framework in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq, Ethiopia and Djibouti.