Global Flood Awareness System: Community Learning Framework

Countries / Regions

Mozambique; Peru; UK; Global


ECMWF, JRC, Red Cross Red Crescent Climate Centre


Part funded by NERC and GFDRR/DFID Challenge Fund


September 2015 – September 2020

Project Team

Prof Hannah Cloke, Dr Liz Stephens, Dr Jess Neumann, Rebecca Emerton


The recent development of large scale probabilistic methods for flood early warning has great potential for improving community resilience to floods.

There is however, a grand challenge in interpreting these forecasts into locally relevant information for improving preparedness for flood disasters.

A solution to this challenge requires an approach that engages and applies the expertise of on-the-ground users in the development of the forecasting system.

Our Research

The GloFAS Community Learning Framework appoints a two-way practical solutions and learning focus whereby GloFAS forecasters and developers learn how to tailor forecasts and uncertainty information to local users and incorporate local information into the forecasting system, and local users learn how to interpret and use probabilistic early flood information.

For more information on the project please contact the Director: Prof Hannah Cloke.

The first stage of the Learning Framework was developed in a GloFAS Community workshop held May 4th-6th 2016 at the University of Reading.

Further information on this workshop can be found here: the-glofas-community-workshop-supporting-the-integration-of-global-flood-forecasts-locally and here: 16523-newsletter-no148-summer-2016.pdf

Our Research

The GloFAS Community Learning Framework appoints a two-way practical solutions and learning focus whereby GloFAS forecasters and developers learn how to tailor forecasts and uncertainty information to local users and incorporate local information into the forecasting system, and local users learn how to interpret and use probabilistic early flood information.

For more information on the project please contact the Director: Prof Hannah Cloke.

The first stage of the Learning Framework was developed in a GloFAS Community workshop held May 4th-6th 2016 at the University of Reading.

Further information on this workshop can be found here: the-glofas-community-workshop-supporting-the-integration-of-global-flood-forecasts-locally and here: 16523-newsletter-no148-summer-2016.pdf