The University of Reading is an official Observer of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) Conference of the Parties (COP) process, having participated in almost a decade of the global climate conference and negotiating platform.  This status was obtained and maintained by the Walker Institute and underpins our direct research in support of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) which we are heavily involved in (particularly WGI on The Physical Science – with most lead authors of any single institution in the world) at UoR.

We will be present in COP29 this year in Baku, Azerbaijan. You can follow our activities during COP29 as well as read updates on what is happening around the world leading up to the UNFCCC conference in November 2024.

Watch this space for updates on upcoming side events and activities during COP29 from the Walker Institute.

picture of students in Reading campus connecting with students in Dubai.

COP Climate Action Studio

We, in the Walker Academy, are thrilled to welcome PhD students from the University of Reading, University of Brunel and Surrey University in our COP Climate Action Studio programme which will be hosted live again this year! During the UNFCCC conference students will engage remotely with COP29, watching sessions, conducting interviews, and discussing the issues they encounter. They will also be encouraged to relate COP29 to their research topics and translate and communicate COP29 developments to different audiences.  They will engage with social media, write blogs and produce videos for the Walker Institute communication platforms and other media outlets.  They will also have the opportunity to liaise with the four students who will be traveling to Baku to attend the Conference in person and conduct interviews with a wide range of people. Make sure you stay in touch and look out for blogs and other outputs from COPCAS that might help you make sense of COP29 developments posted on the Walker Institute’s website.

COP29 Opportunities and Updates