The University of Reading is an official Observer of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) Conference of the Parties (COP) process, having participated in almost a decade of the global climate conference and negotiating platform. This status was obtained and maintained by the Walker Institute and underpins our direct research in support of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) which we are heavily involved in (particularly WGI on The Physical Science – with most lead authors of any single institution in the world) at UoR.
We were present at COP29 this year in Baku, Azerbaijan. You can follow our activities during COP29 as well as read updates on what is happening around the world leading up to the UNFCCC conference in November 2024.

COP Climate Action Studio
We, in the Walker Academy, are thrilled to welcome our new cohort of COPCAS 2024 in our COP Climate Action Studio programme which will be hosted live again this year! During the UNFCCC conference students engaged remotely with COP29, watching sessions, conducting interviews, and discussing the issues they encounter. They were also encouraged to relate COP29 to their research topics and translate and communicate COP29 developments to different audiences. They engaged with social media, wrote blogs and produced videos for the Walker Institute communication platforms and other media outlets. They also had the opportunity to liaise with the four students who traveled to Baku to attend the Conference in person and conducted interviews with a wide range of people. Make sure you look out for blogs and other outputs from COPCAS that might help you make sense of COP29 developments posted on the Walker Institute’s website.

COP29 Side Event
The Walker Institute from the University of Reading are joining Integrated Research and Action for Development (IRADe) in a side event during COP29 in Baku, Azerbaijan: Shared Risks, Shared Solutions: Addressing Transboundary Climate Risks Via Shared Adaptation Actions. Transboundary climate risks are neglected, especially in conflict-affected areas. COP28 urged more adaptation cooperation & investment. Leaders, scientists & civil society, supported by key institutions, will emphasize the value of regional adaptation cooperation focusing on the area of South Asia.

COP29 Thematic Days
November 11 COP29 Opening
November 12 World Leaders Climate Action Summit
November 13 World Leaders Climate Action Summit
November 14 Finance, Investment and Trade
November 15 Energy / Peace, Relief and Recovery
November 16 Science, Technology and Innovation / Digitalisation
November 17 Rest Day and No Thematic Programming
November 18 Human Capital / Children and Youth / Health / Education
November 19 Food, Agriculture and Water
November 20 Urbanisation / Transport / Tourism
November 21 Nature and Biodiversity / Indigenous People / Gender Equality / Oceans and Coastal Zones
November 22 Final Negotiations

Reading Students LIVE at COP29, with Walker Institute; event during the Green Festival
The Walker Institute will be supporting the Green Festival organised in the University of Reading from 19 to 21 November 2024. We are delivering a special ‘My Climate Risk Interdisciplinary Learning Group’ session dedicated to COP29. Participants from our COP Climate Action Studio programme will share their experience attending the UNFCCC conference in person, and will be answering any questions you may have. You can join the session in person or remotely.

Addressing Climate Risks: Cooperation on Transboundary Climate Adaptation in the Middle East Region
On 15 Nov – Energy / Peace, Relief and Recovery Day.
Following the COP28 Declaration on Climate, Relief, Recovery and Peace, the Walker Institute and our partners at the Royal Scientific Society of Jordan and the UN Environment Programme will be convening importan bilateral and multilateral meetings to support regional cooperation across the Middle East on adaptation. These meetings will be conducive to issues raised on the side events the Walker Institute is participating on the 14th and 15th Nov with the country representatives and will be supporting evidence-based dialogue on what innovations / tools are being used that can translate science-based interventions into viable adaptation options and make them useable in a conflict setting.

COP29 Side Event in the UNEP Pavilion
The Walker Institute is partnering up with the Royal Scientific Society of Jordan (RSS) supporting the UN Environment Programme (UNEP) in a side event that will focus on transboundary adaptation in the Middle East region.
Useful Updates and Information on COP29
You can also visit the COP29 University of Reading webpage and read about the University’s involvement.
Bonn Climate Change Conference, June 2024
Climate diplomats from around the world gathered in Bonn, Germany this June to disucss global efforts to cut emissions and the outcomes of the first GST. You can read the summary report from the IISD Earth Negotiation Bulleting.
COP29 Daily Show Broadcast
The COP29 organisers have announced the launch of the Daily Show, a daily television broadcast that will be streamed online across television channels worldwide during COP29.
COP29 Virtual Passess for remote participation
The University of Reading has been allocated 9 daily virtual passes that allow audience to log in to the official COP29 platform and attend meetings remotely. For more information on how to attain a virtual pass for a day, contact us no later than 10 October.
First Global Stocktake
The co-facilitators of the technical dialogue (TD) of the first Global Stocktake under the Paris Agreement (GST1) have published the synthesis report on the UNFCC website. Watch the broadcast on YouTube.
COP29 Presidency Action Agenda Letter
H.E. Mukhtar Babayev, the COP29 President-Designate and Minister of Ecology and Natural Resources in the Republic of Azerbaijan has sent a letter announcing the COP29 Presidency Action Agenda.
RINGO: Preparation for COP29
Are you heading off to COP29 and want to know how to navigate the conference in Baku, Azerbaijan? RINGO is delivering sessions specifically tailored for early-career researchers and first-time COP attendees. You can find more information on their website.