Strengthening AGRHYMET’s Training Program
Countries / Regions
West Africa
World Bank
Project Team
Prof. Rosalind Cornforth (PI), Dr Celia Petty, Dai Clegg, David Phizacklea, Prof. Abdou Ali, Prof. Sanoussi Atta, Prof. Amadou Thierno Gaye
Over the past decade, the combined impact of a range of factors and shocks has led to worsening food and nutrition security across West Africa. Despite earlier progress, the number and share of undernourished people has increased from 36.9 million in 2005 to 59.4 million people in 2019. Climate variability and change continue to be key forces affecting the agricultural sector and food security in West Africa.
AGRHYMET CCR-AOS aims to promote information sharing and regional training in the fields of food security, water management and natural resource management. With strong expertise in the fields of agro-meteorology and operational hydrology, the centre also provides the region with hydrometeorological forecasts and warnings.
Under a facility granted by the World Bank in parallel with the preparation of the Food Security Resilience Programme (FRSP), AGRHYMET CCR-AOS received technical assistance to strengthen its capacity by co-developing firstly an impact assessment methodology to regularly assess the impact of its training programs and secondly a strategic development plan detailing short- and medium-term measures to strengthen and modernize its training offerings.

Our Research
The Walker Institute will support AGRHYMET to strengthen its technical and operational capacities through the following activities:
- the development and establishment of an online data portal of the Impact Assessment Methodology (IAM);
- training of AGRHYMET CCR-AOS IAM evaluators in the use of IAM. This activity will enable trained trainers to carry out and conduct regular evaluations of the impact of AGRHYMET CCR-AOS training programmes in the future and
- the introduction of a core interdisciplinary module common to all courses to strengthen the capacity of AGRHYMET CCR-AOS to implement and conduct activities under component 1 of the FSRP.
Our Research
The Walker Institute will support AGRHYMET to strengthen its technical and operational capacities through the following activities:
- the development and establishment of an online data portal of the Impact Assessment Methodology (IAM);
- training of AGRHYMET CCR-AOS IAM evaluators in the use of IAM. This activity will enable trained trainers to carry out and conduct regular evaluations of the impact of AGRHYMET CCR-AOS training programmes in the future and
- the introduction of a core interdisciplinary module common to all courses to strengthen the capacity of AGRHYMET CCR-AOS to implement and conduct activities under component 1 of the FSRP.

Our Impact
The main objective of this project is to strengthen the learning and operational capacity of the Training and Research Department of AGRHYMET CCR-AOS, including the introduction of a rigorous methodology to assess and monitor the impacts of training and a strategic plan to enhance interdisciplinary training in response to the challenges of climate change on food security, water resources, livelihoods and the environment.
These activities will support the Training and Research Department of AGRHYMET CCR-AOS in the production of an overall strategy with a renewed focus and a modernized approach. This strategy aims to ensure the understanding and commitment of regional country partners and thus play a key role in enhancing resilience to climate change and supporting adaptation to protect food security across the region.